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The County Information Program

Age Groups Percentages and Median Age
- Percentages calculated by the County Information Program using Census Bureau estimates for the year 2023.
Centerline and Lane Miles
- Number of Certified County Road miles, produced by the Texas Department of Transportation, for 2022.
Population Estimate
- Population estimates are produced each year by the United States Census Bureau. This data is for July 1, 2023.
Population 2010 and 2020
- These are actual census numbers obtained from the Census Bureau.
Population Density
- Density is calculated by the County Information Program using population and land area data from the most recent decennial census.
Poverty Rate (Percent)
- Small area estimates from the Census Bureau for 2022.
Property Tax Rate, Total Market Value, and Actual County Levy
- Provided by the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts for the year 2022. Data is in dollars. Tax rate is per $100 of property value.
Race and Ethnicity Percentages
- Calculated by the County Information Program using Census Bureau estimates for the year 2023.