The information contained in this report was obtained from the U. S. Census Bureau's Annual County and Puerto Rico Municipio Resident Population Estimate by Selected Age Groups and Sex: April 1, 2020 to July 1, 2023. However, the percentages in each age group are from calculations by the County Information Program, Texas Association of Counties. For more information, contact the CIP at (512) 478-8753.

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Population pyramid
  1. The Census Bureau uses definitions from the Office of Management and Budget for race and ethnicity. They are considered separate and distinct identities. Thus, all survey respondents are categorized by membership in one of two ethnic categories, which are "Hispanic or Latino" and "Not Hispanic or Latino" in addition to their race or races.
  2. Percentages calculated by dividing the number of individuals in each age/ethnic group by the total population of the county or the total population of the selected ethnicity in that year.
  3. Lack of a visible bar can occur (a) when there are no individuals in that age/ethnic group or (b) when the percentage is so small the result is a bar less than one pixel in width.
Data for the Delta County Population Pyramid, All Ethnicities, as of July 1, 2023
Age GroupNumber MalePercent MaleNumber FemalePercent Female
Age 85 and Older350.63%681.23%
Age 80-84761.38%731.32%
Age 75-791061.92%1212.19%
Age 70-741122.03%1612.92%
Age 65-692143.88%1743.15%
Age 60-641923.48%1773.21%
Age 55-591663.01%2003.62%
Age 50-541703.08%1693.06%
Age 45-491432.59%1422.57%
Age 40-441753.17%1723.12%
Age 35-391562.83%1492.70%
Age 30-341642.97%1783.22%
Age 25-291582.86%1622.93%
Age 20-241292.34%1352.45%
Age 15-191552.81%1632.95%
Age 10-141753.17%1663.01%
Age 5-91983.59%2214.00%
Age 0-41723.12%1933.50%
Total, All Ethnicities2,69648.84%2,82451.16%