The information contained in this report was obtained from The County Information Program's on-line database. The data contained in the database are obtained from official sources and are not the product of the CIP. The CIP, therefore, does not expressly or impliedly warrant the accuracy of the data. Questions regarding the accuracy, methodology, etc. should be directed to the original source of the information. The sources may be obtained from the CIP by contacting the County Information Program, Texas Association of Counties at (512) 478-8753.
District ID | Special District | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 |
125-201-21-125-125 | Alice Water Authority | $0.155009 | $0.152576 | $0.152576 | $0.151994 | $0.145193 | $0.144652 |
024-201-23-125-125 | Brush Country Groundwater Conservation i | $0.024500 | $0.024000 | $0.020700 | $0.018500 | $0.016000 | $0.015263 |
125-201-40-125-125 | Jim Wells County ESD #1 | $0.080410 | $0.074189 | $0.067400 | $0.066644 | $0.065278 | $0.066226 |
125-202-40-125-125 | Jim Wells County ESD #2 | N/A | N/A | $0.000000 | $0.000000 | $0.000000 | $0.000000 |
125-201-13-125-125 | Jim Wells County FWSD #1 | $0.132857 | $0.132857 | $0.132857 | $0.132857 | $0.132857 | $0.132857 |
131-201-06-125-125 | Kenedy County Groundwater Conservation District | $0.015300 | $0.015300 | $0.012800 | $0.012800 | $0.012800 | $0.011865 |
178-205-40-125-125 | Nueces County ESD #5 | $0.030000 | $0.030000 | $0.100000 | $0.100000 | $0.100000 | $0.100000 |