Ector County Group Quarters Population, 2020

Compiled by
The County Information Program, Texas Association of Counties

The information contained in this report was obtained from The County Information Program's on-line database. The data contained in the database are obtained from official sources and are not the product of the CIP. The CIP, therefore, does not expressly or impliedly warrant the accuracy of the data. Questions regarding the accuracy, methodology, etc. should be directed to the original source of the information. The sources may be obtained from the CIP by contacting the County Information Program, Texas Association of Counties at (512) 478-8753.

Population GroupCounty Pop.County PercentState Pop.State Percent
Institutionalized population:1,24548.82%363,37059.96%
Correctional facilities for adults:78230.67%248,76441.05%
Federal detention centers:00.00%22,4413.70%
Federal prisons:00.00%24,8364.10%
State prisons:00.00%141,19323.30%
Local jails and other municipal confinement facilities:78230.67%53,4488.82%
Correctional residential facilities:00.00%6,5611.08%
Military disciplinary barracks and jails:00.00%2850.05%
Juvenile facilities:401.57%27,2464.50%
Group homes for juveniles non-correctional:00.00%8,8441.46%
Residential treatment centers for juveniles non-correctional:00.00%6,2341.03%
Correctional facilities intended for juveniles:401.57%12,1682.01%
Nursing facilities/Skilled-nursing facilities:42316.59%00.00%
Other institutional facilities:00.00%6180.10%
Mental Psychiatric hospitals and psychiatric units in other hospitals:00.00%3540.06%
Hospitals with patients who have no usual home elsewhere:00.00%180.00%
In-patient hospice facilities:00.00%300.00%
Military treatment facilities with assigned patients:00.00%360.01%
Residential schools for people with disabilities:00.00%1800.03%
Noninstitutionalized population:1,30551.18%12,6062.08%
College/University student housing:67426.43%1,3620.22%
Military quarters:00.00%2280.04%
Military barracks and dormitories non-disciplinary:00.00%2280.04%
Military ships:00.00%00.00%
Other noninstitutional facilities:63124.75%11,0161.82%
Emergency and transitional shelters with sleeping facilities for people experiencing homelessness:421.65%2,0820.34%
Group homes intended for adults:1164.55%2,8080.46%
Residential treatment centers for adults:1214.75%6240.10%
Maritime/merchant vessels:00.00%00.00%
Workers' group living quarters and Job Corps centers:30111.80%9540.16%
Other noninstitutional facilities:512.00%4,5480.75%

Hospitals in Ector county.
State and federal prison facilities in Ector county.

'Pop.' is the population in the specified type of group quarters.
'Total' is the total population living in group quarters, it is not equal to the total county population.
'Percent' is the percent of the group quarters population.
Data source: U. S. Census Bureau, Census 2020 DEC Demographic and Housing Characteristics, Table PCT19.

Last Updated on 05/26/2023.
County Information Program contact information is available in the TAC Legislative Directory.