Propery Tax Information for Gray County

Compiled by
The County Information Program, Texas Association of Counties

The information contained in this report was obtained from The County Information Program's on-line database. The data contained in the database are obtained from official sources and are not the product of the CIP. The CIP, therefore, does not expressly or impliedly warrant the accuracy of the data. Questions regarding the accuracy, methodology, etc. should be directed to the original source of the information. The sources may be obtained from the CIP by contacting the County Information Program, Texas Association of Counties at (512) 478-8753.

Note: Corrected/updated 2013 property tax data for Anderson, Andrews, Angelina, Ector, Hale, Hood and Montgomery on April 29, 2015.

Year General Fund Tax Rate Special R & B Fund Tax Rate FM / FC Tax Rate Total Tax Rate
M&O I&S Total M&O I&S Total M&O I&S Total


Total Market Value: With Exempt
Total market value before 10% cap on homestead appraisals. Includes the value of all totally exempt properties.
Total Market Value: Without Exempt
Total market value of taxable property prior to adjustments for partial exemptions or the 10% cap on residence homesteads. Does not include totally exempt properties.
Total Taxable Value: General Fund
Total taxable value for county tax purposes. Used with both the General Fund and Special Road & Bridge Fund tax rates to determine the levies for those funds.
Total Taxable Value: FM/FC
Total taxable value for farm-to-market/flood control tax purposes. Used with the FM / FC tax rate to determine the levy for that fund.
General Fund Tax Rate: M&O
County tax rate for the Maintenance and Operations portion of the General Fund tax rate.
General Fund Tax Rate: I&S
County tax rate for the Interest and Sinking portion of the General Fund tax rate.
General Fund Tax Rate: Total
Total county tax rate for the General Fund.
Special R & B Fund Tax Rate: M&O
County tax rate for the Maintenance and Operations portion of the Special Road & Bridge Fund tax rate.
Special R & B Fund Tax Rate: I&S
County tax rate for the Interest and Sinking portion of the Special Road & Bridge Fund tax rate.
Special R & B Fund Tax Rate: Total
Total county tax rate for the Special Road & Bridge Fund.
FM / FC Tax Rate: M&O
County tax rate for the Maintenance and Operations portion of the Farm-to-Market/Flood Control Fund tax rate.
FM / FC Tax Rate: I&S
County tax rate for the Interest and Sinking portion of the Farm-to-Market/Flood Control Fund tax rate.
FM / FC Tax Rate: Total
Total county tax rate for the Farm-to-Market/Flood Control Fund.
Totals: General Fund Levy
Actual total county tax levy for General Fund.
Totals: Total Tax Rate
Total county tax rate.
Totals: Total County Levy
Actual total county tax levy. It includes the General Fund, Special Road & Bridge Fund, and the Farm-to-Market/Flood Control Fund.