District ID | Special District Name | Total Tax Rate, 2023 | Total Levy, 2023 |
073-201-40-073-073 | Falls County ESD #1 | $0.057300 | $635,312 |
073-202-40-073-073 | Falls County ESD #2 | $0.096400 | $588,863 |
073-203-40-073-073 | Falls County ESD #3 | $0.100000 | $318,829 |
- Special District tax data provided by the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts. At this time the Comptroller is no longer collecting property tax data on special districts. Therefore, the 2010 information is the most recent special district property tax data available and will remain posted in the hope that the Comptroller will once again begin collecting this data in the future. At that time this page will once again be updated as the data becomes available..
- Tax rates are per $100.00 valuation. Please contact the Appraisal District for the most current information on special district tax rates and levies.
- Special District boundaries are not maintained by the Texas Association of Counties. Some districts have boundaries that are the same as the county although most are smaller. Some districts extend into more than one county.
- Districts are included in this list if any part of the district is within the county AND they collected property taxes during the indicated year.
- Contact information: TAC does not maintain contact information for special districts! Contact Information is available for many, although not all, special districts from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). If you cannot find contact information for a special district at TCEQ, try contacting the Appraisal District.
- Maps and boundaries: TAC does not have access to special districts boundaries! The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) provides an online mapping application called the Water Utilities Map Viewer. For maps and boundaries of other special districts, try contacting the Appraisal District.
- *: An aserisk by the taxing unit name indicates that the appraisal district did not fully respond to the survey conducted by the Comptroller's Property Tax Assistance Division.
- **: A double asterisk by the taxing unit name indicates that it is a community college district that may collect a tax in some school districts under Education Code Chapter 130. This allows for a different tax rate for branch campuses in those school districts.