Houston County Profile

Compiled by
The County Information Program, Texas Association of Counties

The information contained in this report was obtained from The County Information Program's on-line database. The data contained in the database are obtained from official sources and are not the product of the CIP. The CIP, therefore, does not expressly or impliedly warrant the accuracy of the data. Questions regarding the accuracy, methodology, etc. should be directed to the original source of the information. The sources may be obtained from the CIP by contacting the County Information Program, Texas Association of Counties at (512) 478-8753.

Click the More data link to open a table showing the data item for that row for all 254 Texas counties.

Map of County

POPULATION (Census Bureau)
County Population     «History Chart»   «Population Projection Chart»   «Group Quarters»   «Census 2020 Redistricting Data (county level only)»
Estimate 2023:22,066More data
Estimate 2022:21,943 
Estimate 2021:21,962 
Census 2020: See note at the bottom of the page.22,066More data
Census 2010:23,732More data
Census 2000:23,185More data
Population of the County Seat (Crockett)
Census 2020:6,332 
Census 2010:6,950 
Census 2000:7,141 
Note: City and town populations include only those parts of each place found within this county. Use our «Town & City Search» to find the total population of each place.
Crockett city:6,286More data
Grapeland city:1,487More data
Kennard city:281More data
Latexo city:239More data
Lovelady city:584More data
County Size in Square Miles (Census Bureau)
Land Area:1,231.0More data
Water Area:5.6More data
Total Area:1,236.6More data
Population Density Per Square Mile
2020:17.93More data
Urban and Rural Population of the County, 2020 (Census Bureau)
Percent Urban:26.90More data
Percent Rural:73.10More data
Ethnicity - 2023 (Census Bureau)     «Population Estimates by Age, Sex, Race, and Hispanic Origin»
Percent Hispanic:13.0%More data
Race - 2023 (Census Bureau)
Percent White Alone:72.4%More data
Percent African American Alone:24.2%More data
Percent American Indian and Alaska Native Alone:0.9%More data
Percent Asian Alone:0.8%More data
Percent Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander Alone:0.1%More data
Percent Multi-Racial:1.6%More data
Race and Ethnicity - 2023 (Census Bureau)
Percent Not Hispanic White Alone:60.9%More data
Percent Not Hispanic African American Alone:23.4%More data
Age - 2023 (Census Bureau Estimates)     «Age Groups Chart»
17 and Under:20.5%More data
65 and Older:22.5%More data
85 and Older:2.6%More data
Median Age:43.6More data
Per Capita Income - 2022 (BEA):     «Per Capita Income History Chart»$50,323More data
Total Personal Income - 2022 (BEA):$1,104,598,000More data
Median Household Income - 2022 (Census Bureau):     «Median Household Income History Chart»$49,741More data
Poverty - 2022 (Census Bureau)     «Poverty Chart»
Percent of Population in Poverty:20.1%More data
Percent of Population under 18 in Poverty:29.2%More data
Educational Attainment (Census Bureau, 2018-2022 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimate)     «ACS 5-Year Estimates, S1501, Educational Attainment (open in new window)»
Percent high school graduate and higher, Age 25 and over:82.4% 
Percent bachelor's degree or higher, Age 25 and over:14.8% 
Pay (BLS)     «Pay History Chart»
Average Annual Pay - 2023:$62,093More data
Average Annual Pay - 2022:$59,278 
Average Annual Pay - 2021:$57,464 
Average Annual Pay - 2020:$57,654 
Average Annual Pay - 2019:$52,396 
Annual Unemployment Rate, Not Adjusted (Texas Workforce Commission)     «Unemployment History Chart»
Unemployment Rate - 2023:3.2More data
Unemployment Rate - 2022:3.6 
Unemployment Rate - 2021:4.9 
Unemployment Rate - 2020:5.3 
Unemployment Rate - 2019:3.1 
COUNTY FINANCES (Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts)
Property Taxes - 2022
Total County Tax Rate:     «Detailed Tax Rates»   «Tax Rate History with Chart»$0.474700More data
Total Market Value:     «Values and Levies»   «Levy History with Chart»$4,145,886,880More data
Total Appraised Value Available for County Taxation:$1,907,271,982More data
Total Actual Levy:$9,053,820More data
For property tax information about a specific property, contact the Appraisal District.
Sales Tax Allocation History     «Sales Tax History Chart»
CY 2023:$1,606,190More data
CY 2022:$1,653,025 
CY 2021:$1,197,186 
CY 2020:$1,232,293 
CY 2019:$1,618,438 
Centerline Miles - 2022
IH Highways:0.000More data
US Highways:33.538More data
State Highways, Spurs, Loops, Business Routes:120.890More data
Farm or Ranch to Market Roads and Spurs:246.061More data
Pass, Park and Recreation Roads:0.980More data
Frontage Roads:0.000More data
On-System Subtotal:401.469More data
City Streets:79.723More data
Certified County Roads:727.270More data
Toll Road Authority Roads:0.000More data
Federal Roads:160.830More data
Off-System Subtotal:967.823More data
Center Line Miles: County Total:1,369.292More data
Lane Miles - 2022
IH Highways:0.000More data
US Highways:107.852More data
State Highways, Spurs, Loops, Business Routes:270.067More data
Farm or Ranch to Market Roads and Spurs:492.122More data
Pass, Park and Recreation Roads:1.960More data
Frontage Roads:0.000More data
On-System Subtotal:872.001More data
City Streets:159.446More data
Certified County Roads:1,454.540More data
Toll Road Authority Roads:0.000More data
Federal Roads:321.660More data
Off-System Subtotal:1,935.646More data
County Total:2,807.647More data
Miles Travelled on County Roads     «Mileage History with Chart»
County Business Patterns (Census Bureau):     «CBP 2022»
Gross Domestic Product (BEA):     «GDP 2022»
County Agricultural (USDA):     «Census of Agriculture Report 2022»     «2022 County Profile»
State & County QuickFacts (Census Bureau):     «Houston County QuickFacts»
State & County Narrative Profiles (Census Bureau):     «Narrative Profiles»
County History (Handbook of Texas Online):     «Houston County History»
Texas Almanac (Texas State Historical Association):     «Houston County»

Special Districts in Houston County.
School Districts in Houston County.
History of City Tax Rates in Houston County.

Airports in Houston County.
Hospitals in Houston County.
Prisons in Houston County.